Songs… T - Z
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English Songs
The Big Dive
Year: 2003
Album: CMYK - EP#3 Yellow (2014)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#3 Yellow (2014)
Language: English
This is one of the first songs I wrote when I was a teenager. This song is only a personal attempt of encouragement.
In that period I was full of dreams and projects, like every young and energetic teenager.
Years later, I understood that we have a lot of chances to be frightened by choices, crossroads and decisions. But when we are young there are no excuses to be frightened of doing anything we want to try.
So ‘dive and go’ was a way to push myself beyond the fence that logic put forward. And probably its purpose remains valid for our lifetime.
In that period I was full of dreams and projects, like every young and energetic teenager.
Years later, I understood that we have a lot of chances to be frightened by choices, crossroads and decisions. But when we are young there are no excuses to be frightened of doing anything we want to try.
So ‘dive and go’ was a way to push myself beyond the fence that logic put forward. And probably its purpose remains valid for our lifetime.
This song I’m gonna write for you, for me
Just speaks about the sunset of a theory
The theory that everyday tries to convince me
The world is waiting for me
The world is waiting for you, too
It’s so simple simple to deny,
But it’s hard to climb
The mountain up to the peak of dreams,
Listen to the clear deep shiver
Through your back, up to the neck
Straight to your head, it could be sad
If you choose to lose your chance
To prove yourself before the end
That you can ride the craving horse
Kicking into your breast, so...
So, dive and go… you’ve got to
Dive and go… why don’t you
Dive and go…
It’s just a dive into this world
Just speaks about the sunset of a theory
The theory that everyday tries to convince me
The world is waiting for me
The world is waiting for you, too
It’s so simple simple to deny,
But it’s hard to climb
The mountain up to the peak of dreams,
Listen to the clear deep shiver
Through your back, up to the neck
Straight to your head, it could be sad
If you choose to lose your chance
To prove yourself before the end
That you can ride the craving horse
Kicking into your breast, so...
So, dive and go… you’ve got to
Dive and go… why don’t you
Dive and go…
It’s just a dive into this world
Come on, big friend open your eyes,
Take a huge breathe
And throw your leg over the edge,
the line you pretend to ignore
Adore your soul, smash the door
Open your secret core
Let it shines, shut your mouth
And write down your riffs and rhymes
And let your heart believe,
And let everybody sing
So, dive and go… you’ve got to
Dive and go… why don’t you
Dive and go…
It’s just a dive into your soul…
For me too and then…
I don’t wanna say: “this poor other of me”
I don’t wanna say: “you are not me”
I want to fly over the sea
Reaching my dreams wishing to leap
The big dive that lets me finally
Set free the star inside of me
Take a huge breathe
And throw your leg over the edge,
the line you pretend to ignore
Adore your soul, smash the door
Open your secret core
Let it shines, shut your mouth
And write down your riffs and rhymes
And let your heart believe,
And let everybody sing
So, dive and go… you’ve got to
Dive and go… why don’t you
Dive and go…
It’s just a dive into your soul…
For me too and then…
I don’t wanna say: “this poor other of me”
I don’t wanna say: “you are not me”
I want to fly over the sea
Reaching my dreams wishing to leap
The big dive that lets me finally
Set free the star inside of me
Inside of me… so dive and go… I’ve got to
Dive and go… I’ve got to
Dive and go…
It’s just a dive into my soul…
I don’t wanna say: “this poor other of me”
I don’t wanna say: “you are not me”
I want to fly over the sea
Reaching my dreams wishing to leap
The big dive that lets me finally
Set free the star inside of me
Inside of me…
Dive and go… I’ve got to
Dive and go…
It’s just a dive into my soul…
I don’t wanna say: “this poor other of me”
I don’t wanna say: “you are not me”
I want to fly over the sea
Reaching my dreams wishing to leap
The big dive that lets me finally
Set free the star inside of me
Inside of me…
Video (September 2015)
The Eighth Sin
Year: 2013
Album: CMYK - EP#1 Cyan (2014)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#1 Cyan (2014)
Language: English
The seven sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Basically they are not sins, but vices. A vice is the root of making several correlated sins. In the Christian Ethics, these are the 7 cardinal vices that let a person make sins out of the right and straight path to Paradise.
I’m not Catholic or Christian, but I believe these “sins” can be read as the most relevant.
But, in my opinion, there is one missing, the most important. It doesn’t have a name, but I can explain the concept.
The most important thing for the living creatures of this planet is the survival of their own species. All our “natural law systems” strive to maintain life. A group of flamingos, will never establish their temporary home in a place which is not perfect for their babies, and they will never change or contaminate a place that is perfect for breeding.
Humans are different. They make their decisions in function of today’s profit, not to improve their future. Think about the pacific-trash-vortex (Disney’s Wall-e is our future), or the stop for Asbestos, or other hundreds of examples where there’s not a specific vice or sin. People decide to throw their trash in the river maybe because they don’t have a place to throw their rubbish or maybe for a lack of education, or it was decided to use Asbestos before its deadly characteristics were known.
But tomorrow our kids will play on the beach with trash in the sea, or maybe they will work in a building made with asbestos panels.
This is the eighth sin: to act without considering that the future is not ours, but it is an exclusive property of the next generations, and the only thing we can do is give them a better future with by making the best decisions we can today. And today we are failing, without the help of any cardinal “sin”.
I’m not Catholic or Christian, but I believe these “sins” can be read as the most relevant.
But, in my opinion, there is one missing, the most important. It doesn’t have a name, but I can explain the concept.
The most important thing for the living creatures of this planet is the survival of their own species. All our “natural law systems” strive to maintain life. A group of flamingos, will never establish their temporary home in a place which is not perfect for their babies, and they will never change or contaminate a place that is perfect for breeding.
Humans are different. They make their decisions in function of today’s profit, not to improve their future. Think about the pacific-trash-vortex (Disney’s Wall-e is our future), or the stop for Asbestos, or other hundreds of examples where there’s not a specific vice or sin. People decide to throw their trash in the river maybe because they don’t have a place to throw their rubbish or maybe for a lack of education, or it was decided to use Asbestos before its deadly characteristics were known.
But tomorrow our kids will play on the beach with trash in the sea, or maybe they will work in a building made with asbestos panels.
This is the eighth sin: to act without considering that the future is not ours, but it is an exclusive property of the next generations, and the only thing we can do is give them a better future with by making the best decisions we can today. And today we are failing, without the help of any cardinal “sin”.
Here I pray, for some kind of mercy
Deep into a blame
Of something that no one could claim
But I feel it’s the worst sin mankind can shape
Please, my Lord, I trust you would witness
My life in yours
By shunning your deadly sins
A track for my holy sense of black and white
So tell me why
I feel my heaven fades away…
It’s fading away
There must be a why
I feel I’m cruising on the highway to hell…
I do not deserve
Tonight I wonder why my Faith
Won’t tell me everything is alright
But ash can’t lie
I see, this ash can’t lie
Beneath the weight of the eighth capital sin
Deep into a blame
Of something that no one could claim
But I feel it’s the worst sin mankind can shape
Please, my Lord, I trust you would witness
My life in yours
By shunning your deadly sins
A track for my holy sense of black and white
So tell me why
I feel my heaven fades away…
It’s fading away
There must be a why
I feel I’m cruising on the highway to hell…
I do not deserve
Tonight I wonder why my Faith
Won’t tell me everything is alright
But ash can’t lie
I see, this ash can’t lie
Beneath the weight of the eighth capital sin
Seven sins, for every damned vice
But one was denied
To join that party
The eighth…
So dimmed by my shame to hold onto my faith
A vice with no name but It’s clear and so sly
It gets real when ambition begets passion
To sacrifice
Our kids’ destination for a present that won’t exist
Now that’s the why
I feel my heaven fades away…
It’s fading away
Oh that’s the reason why
I feel I’m racing on the highway to hell…
I’m sure I’ll deserve
Tonight I wonder if my Faith
Will save me by granting me a prize
But ash can’t lie
I see, this ash can’t lie
Beneath the weight of the eighth capital sin
But one was denied
To join that party
The eighth…
So dimmed by my shame to hold onto my faith
A vice with no name but It’s clear and so sly
It gets real when ambition begets passion
To sacrifice
Our kids’ destination for a present that won’t exist
Now that’s the why
I feel my heaven fades away…
It’s fading away
Oh that’s the reason why
I feel I’m racing on the highway to hell…
I’m sure I’ll deserve
Tonight I wonder if my Faith
Will save me by granting me a prize
But ash can’t lie
I see, this ash can’t lie
Beneath the weight of the eighth capital sin
Now that’s the why
I feel my heaven fades away…
It’s fading away
Oh that’s the reason why
I feel I’m racing on the highway to hell…
I’m sure I’ll deserve
Tonight I wonder if my faith
Will save me by granting me a prize
Will save me by granting me a prize
Will save me by granting me a prize
But ash can’t lie
History just won’t lie
To myself, I will not lie
I’m sinful, I cannot lie
Beneath the weight of the eighth capital sin
I feel my heaven fades away…
It’s fading away
Oh that’s the reason why
I feel I’m racing on the highway to hell…
I’m sure I’ll deserve
Tonight I wonder if my faith
Will save me by granting me a prize
Will save me by granting me a prize
Will save me by granting me a prize
But ash can’t lie
History just won’t lie
To myself, I will not lie
I’m sinful, I cannot lie
Beneath the weight of the eighth capital sin
The Sun’s Everlasting Smile
Year: 2015
Album: CMYK - EP#4 Key Black (2015)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#4 Key Black (2015)
Language: English
I met a very nice girl. I liked her, not only because of her beauty, but most of all I perceived her sensitivity and personality. Then we exchanged I our social contacts, as usual. Seeing her posts, one thing stole my attention. In her pictures she smiles without showing her smile completely, as if something made be ashamed of her smile.
When I met her again face to face, I started seeking what made her so shy and embarrassed. I saw that her teeth were not perfect, in terms of position. Well, in my point of view, this is not something to be ashamed of, or something to regret, but probably she perceived it as an aesthetic defect, difficult to ignore.
Who decides what is a perfect smile or what is not? Who declares what are the specifications of perfection and beauty?
Generally we desire something because of our models. A model is a complex architecture of desires and wishes, that comes from a totem we have elected as the incarnation of perfection. These characteristics are generally described by “mass society” preferences or, sometimes, they are created and driven by marketing interests. What I really hate in this world is a model creation that is too far from our reality. The reason is simple.
Happiness is the ability to reach or to work for a dream. Sometimes getting a goal is not the only happiness possible, but just striving for that gives us a state of bliss, because you are working for something real, possible, reachable, maybe achievable. A dream brings happiness when it is treated as a project, not like a throw of dice already done.
All the images, movies, advertisement model or tv spots show us what is beauty. The effect is the reaction of society when something goes out of its perfection specifications. And if we desire and admire these models, If we convince ourselves that our evaluation depends on those specifications and if our happiness is affected by other’s ability to put ourselves in comparison with unreal models, our life will be out of reality, like an oak that grows bent due to an impossible constant and strong wind.
She renounced smiling and showing her purest and most beautiful characteristic. Her happiness and her smile. The reason for this is her sensitivity to accept her sight in comparison with the perfection this world criteria likes to describe.
It’s like if the sun, admiring the success of the moon, renounced shining, desiring the moon’s light.
It’s foolish… and I hope everybody will follow the example of the sun, especially during the sunrise, its most beautiful and everlasting smile.
When I met her again face to face, I started seeking what made her so shy and embarrassed. I saw that her teeth were not perfect, in terms of position. Well, in my point of view, this is not something to be ashamed of, or something to regret, but probably she perceived it as an aesthetic defect, difficult to ignore.
Who decides what is a perfect smile or what is not? Who declares what are the specifications of perfection and beauty?
Generally we desire something because of our models. A model is a complex architecture of desires and wishes, that comes from a totem we have elected as the incarnation of perfection. These characteristics are generally described by “mass society” preferences or, sometimes, they are created and driven by marketing interests. What I really hate in this world is a model creation that is too far from our reality. The reason is simple.
Happiness is the ability to reach or to work for a dream. Sometimes getting a goal is not the only happiness possible, but just striving for that gives us a state of bliss, because you are working for something real, possible, reachable, maybe achievable. A dream brings happiness when it is treated as a project, not like a throw of dice already done.
All the images, movies, advertisement model or tv spots show us what is beauty. The effect is the reaction of society when something goes out of its perfection specifications. And if we desire and admire these models, If we convince ourselves that our evaluation depends on those specifications and if our happiness is affected by other’s ability to put ourselves in comparison with unreal models, our life will be out of reality, like an oak that grows bent due to an impossible constant and strong wind.
She renounced smiling and showing her purest and most beautiful characteristic. Her happiness and her smile. The reason for this is her sensitivity to accept her sight in comparison with the perfection this world criteria likes to describe.
It’s like if the sun, admiring the success of the moon, renounced shining, desiring the moon’s light.
It’s foolish… and I hope everybody will follow the example of the sun, especially during the sunrise, its most beautiful and everlasting smile.
You do not forget when
The shame came because of your teeth
They grew far from being fair
Unpretty and not to be shared
Your mirror reflects well
The reason you crave a spell
Shyness is the first step
The last one is the real disgrace
Oh you choose to veil
Your shame by dimming your smile
Like when solar eclipses arise
To show us the role of the Sun
That moonlight is a matter of time and night
That sunlight belongs to none
That your smile is not to be shunned
By your cries
It strives to be a divine
Extraordinary way
To let your soul shine
Every time as the first sunrise
The Sun’s everlasting smile
The shame came because of your teeth
They grew far from being fair
Unpretty and not to be shared
Your mirror reflects well
The reason you crave a spell
Shyness is the first step
The last one is the real disgrace
Oh you choose to veil
Your shame by dimming your smile
Like when solar eclipses arise
To show us the role of the Sun
That moonlight is a matter of time and night
That sunlight belongs to none
That your smile is not to be shunned
By your cries
It strives to be a divine
Extraordinary way
To let your soul shine
Every time as the first sunrise
The Sun’s everlasting smile
It’s a crime what I see here
A guitar with loose and dump strings
Able to finally chase beats
But silent thanks to those fears
To be judged from preachers
Ephemeral dull believers
Shyness is the first of blames
The rest is a quest for the grace
Oh you choose to veil
Your shame by dimming your smile
Like when solar eclipses arise
To show us the role of the Sun
That moonlight is a matter of time and night
That sunlight belongs to none
That your smile is not to be shunned
By your cries
It strives to be a divine
Extraordinary way
To let your soul shine
Every time as the first sunrise
The Sun’s everlasting smile
A guitar with loose and dump strings
Able to finally chase beats
But silent thanks to those fears
To be judged from preachers
Ephemeral dull believers
Shyness is the first of blames
The rest is a quest for the grace
Oh you choose to veil
Your shame by dimming your smile
Like when solar eclipses arise
To show us the role of the Sun
That moonlight is a matter of time and night
That sunlight belongs to none
That your smile is not to be shunned
By your cries
It strives to be a divine
Extraordinary way
To let your soul shine
Every time as the first sunrise
The Sun’s everlasting smile
Brave against the night
Ready to defy
Stars and satellites
‘Cause there’s only a way to die
It’s when you decide to live
By chasing the will of others
So please follow the sun and show us your light
Ready to defy
Stars and satellites
‘Cause there’s only a way to die
It’s when you decide to live
By chasing the will of others
So please follow the sun and show us your light
Video (November 2015)
Then I Will Run Away
Year: 2014
Album: CMYK - EP#2 Magenta (2014)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#2 Magenta (2014)
Language: English
Everyday routine could kill. When days get undefined in the past, years run faster than months and memories merge together into a unique plasma of “I cannot remember what I did yesterday”, it means there is a problem.
Time is fixed for everyone. It is a “game rule” which no one can argue about. The only difference is the “feeling” we have of Time’s “falling sand”. Surely, you can find of a period in the past that seems “longer” than another one made by the same number of days, but different activities. I think that the difference is the quantity of specific and different memories you have.
The more you do “interesting” things, the more memories you collect.
The more memories get into the “basket”, the more you get the sensation that time goes slower.
Therefore, driving through this life in a continuos, swinging and constant motion shrinks the time, while an unpredictable waving and a discontinued sequence of activities and passions enlarge the sense of time passing.
But It is not easy to escape the daily routine. Job, family, alarm clock, traffic, taxes.
So, everyday, just when eyes get open in the morning, we think that one day we will runaway… one day.
Then I understand one think. Probably the problem it is not where or what I do. If tomorrow I’ll run somewhere and start again, surely I will change my routine, but the problem remains.
Maybe the escape from the daily routine it is not a matter of what, where or when, but it is only a problem of will.
Drive through your day as a unique day, do your best and feed your passions… everyday. This is what I say to myself, instead of desiring an escape for nowhere. I think it could be a good way to live more.
Time is fixed for everyone. It is a “game rule” which no one can argue about. The only difference is the “feeling” we have of Time’s “falling sand”. Surely, you can find of a period in the past that seems “longer” than another one made by the same number of days, but different activities. I think that the difference is the quantity of specific and different memories you have.
The more you do “interesting” things, the more memories you collect.
The more memories get into the “basket”, the more you get the sensation that time goes slower.
Therefore, driving through this life in a continuos, swinging and constant motion shrinks the time, while an unpredictable waving and a discontinued sequence of activities and passions enlarge the sense of time passing.
But It is not easy to escape the daily routine. Job, family, alarm clock, traffic, taxes.
So, everyday, just when eyes get open in the morning, we think that one day we will runaway… one day.
Then I understand one think. Probably the problem it is not where or what I do. If tomorrow I’ll run somewhere and start again, surely I will change my routine, but the problem remains.
Maybe the escape from the daily routine it is not a matter of what, where or when, but it is only a problem of will.
Drive through your day as a unique day, do your best and feed your passions… everyday. This is what I say to myself, instead of desiring an escape for nowhere. I think it could be a good way to live more.
Now it’s raining, just inside my mind
There’s no shelter
All I can do is pray and wait to see the sun again
Same life routine, everyday I die
Morpheus please,
All I need is to close my eyes and fall deeply asleep
To dream again, to feel my heart
To hear its beat, giving lymph to my stride
Then I will run away
Before it is too late
If I will run away
I would trample on my promised land
feeling free to be who I am
But damn, I’m awake again
There’s no shelter
All I can do is pray and wait to see the sun again
Same life routine, everyday I die
Morpheus please,
All I need is to close my eyes and fall deeply asleep
To dream again, to feel my heart
To hear its beat, giving lymph to my stride
Then I will run away
Before it is too late
If I will run away
I would trample on my promised land
feeling free to be who I am
But damn, I’m awake again
Like an ant’s march, walking spiritless
Along the same street, through the same path, again…
I’ve only to keep on chasing
To play my score for a stranger’s applause
I won’t take the bow till my fear begets love
Then I will run away
Before it is too late
If I will run away
I would trample on my promised land
Feeling free to live
Then I will run away
or maybe fly just a little bit astray, I pray
for only a chance, only a day
Along the same street, through the same path, again…
I’ve only to keep on chasing
To play my score for a stranger’s applause
I won’t take the bow till my fear begets love
Then I will run away
Before it is too late
If I will run away
I would trample on my promised land
Feeling free to live
Then I will run away
or maybe fly just a little bit astray, I pray
for only a chance, only a day
You crave something that seems far
And you’re crumbling beneath the weight of life
While the world spins and gives you all you need
To smash down this chronic apathy
In fact, there’s no way to change
‘Cause all you need is nothing but your will
Then I won’t run away
oh its not too late
to change my life into something I love
You crave something that seems far
And you’re crumbling beneath the weight of life
While the world spins and gives you all you need
To smash down this chronic apathy
In fact, there’s no way to change
‘Cause all you need is nothing but your will
Then I won’t run away
oh its not too late
to change my life into something I love
Video (October 2015)
Year: 2006
Album: CMYK - EP#3 Yellow (2014); On Air (BASH; 2009)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#3 Yellow (2014); On Air (BASH; 2009)
Language: English
This song is based on the sailing metaphor.
Imagine you are a sailor. Your sailboat can easily follow the wind, but it cannot go against the wind.
To do It you need time, will and good skills.
Because of that, when the wind blows in one direction, all the boats go roughly in that direction. Obviously the sailing reality is different, but let me pass this principle.
If you are not able to go upwind, or maybe simply you are not interested in doing so, if you want to get to place located behind the wind direction, you have to wait for the wind to change. But when the wind will change you will not be alone in discovering this new place.
If you want to get something new, not necessarily a good thing, you have to go against the wind.
Thousands of people will laugh, or suggest to go back. Surely they will leave you alone.
Some of those will support your idea, by encouraging you with compliments and nothing more, to be sure they will have a part of the loot, if you are right.
If not, a support and a suggestion are free. So they have nothing to loose.
One thing is sure. You will be alone upwind, and probably this is the best characteristic to sail where no one goes.
Imagine you are a sailor. Your sailboat can easily follow the wind, but it cannot go against the wind.
To do It you need time, will and good skills.
Because of that, when the wind blows in one direction, all the boats go roughly in that direction. Obviously the sailing reality is different, but let me pass this principle.
If you are not able to go upwind, or maybe simply you are not interested in doing so, if you want to get to place located behind the wind direction, you have to wait for the wind to change. But when the wind will change you will not be alone in discovering this new place.
If you want to get something new, not necessarily a good thing, you have to go against the wind.
Thousands of people will laugh, or suggest to go back. Surely they will leave you alone.
Some of those will support your idea, by encouraging you with compliments and nothing more, to be sure they will have a part of the loot, if you are right.
If not, a support and a suggestion are free. So they have nothing to loose.
One thing is sure. You will be alone upwind, and probably this is the best characteristic to sail where no one goes.
If I were a sailor born to slash
The seas to seek a place to land
I would try to find a way to sail
Straight definitely against the wind, just upwind
Well, the wise says “get the flow!
Instead of rushing hard, being lost and stuck”
While the mad says “life won’t glow,
if you can see where your fate will be blown”
And what if I try to find a way to
Beat this wind
Maybe it won’t be a sin to climb the stream,
to dare my will and trust in this nut, i feel,
He knows exactly what a dream is
Wise, as a mad could be with his
Wide wingspan spread out for that
Prize hidden by this wind
Just ruled by a will that strives to keep this world as is
The seas to seek a place to land
I would try to find a way to sail
Straight definitely against the wind, just upwind
Well, the wise says “get the flow!
Instead of rushing hard, being lost and stuck”
While the mad says “life won’t glow,
if you can see where your fate will be blown”
And what if I try to find a way to
Beat this wind
Maybe it won’t be a sin to climb the stream,
to dare my will and trust in this nut, i feel,
He knows exactly what a dream is
Wise, as a mad could be with his
Wide wingspan spread out for that
Prize hidden by this wind
Just ruled by a will that strives to keep this world as is
So the vile says “I will let you crawl
Under the storm, so that we can get the goal”
But if I look at what a kid would say
He will try to get fun and begin to play
And what if I strum my strings in a way to
Play this wind
Maybe it won’t be a win, but a stupid thing,
to dare their will and chase this kid, who, I feel,
knows exactly what this life is
Wise, as a mad could be with his
Wide wingspan spread out for that
Prize certainly behind a
Cry… ‘cause no one is going to take my side,
Allies, oh, they will dry my tears
When the loot to share will be clear
Till that day for sure I’ll be
Alone against the wind
Under the storm, so that we can get the goal”
But if I look at what a kid would say
He will try to get fun and begin to play
And what if I strum my strings in a way to
Play this wind
Maybe it won’t be a win, but a stupid thing,
to dare their will and chase this kid, who, I feel,
knows exactly what this life is
Wise, as a mad could be with his
Wide wingspan spread out for that
Prize certainly behind a
Cry… ‘cause no one is going to take my side,
Allies, oh, they will dry my tears
When the loot to share will be clear
Till that day for sure I’ll be
Alone against the wind
Why do i have to play on this
Time, straight rhythm out of his
Life, a melody that could not
With no syncopation
And no one is going to take my time,
Allies, oh, I will dry their tears
When the loot to share will be mine
‘Cause the prize I’ll find will be the pride to live
Just sailing my own will
Time, straight rhythm out of his
Life, a melody that could not
With no syncopation
And no one is going to take my time,
Allies, oh, I will dry their tears
When the loot to share will be mine
‘Cause the prize I’ll find will be the pride to live
Just sailing my own will
Video (October 2015)
Welcome to Ireland
Year: 1999
Album: CMYK - EP#1 Cyan (2014)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#1 Cyan (2014)
Language: English
For several summers, since 1994 to 2003, I have been in Ireland to meet some good friends, to learn some english, to work and to have some fun.
What Irish people have quickly shown me was the great contrast between the Irish weather and their joy, in terms of mood and lifestyle. Ireland it’s a little nation, a not so huge island, but Irish are wonderful.
I wrote this song many years ago, pushed by the will to tell about this contrast and to spread out the lesson regarding the fact that, no matter how much rain can fall outside, but there’s always a reason for smiling… better in front of a pint.
What Irish people have quickly shown me was the great contrast between the Irish weather and their joy, in terms of mood and lifestyle. Ireland it’s a little nation, a not so huge island, but Irish are wonderful.
I wrote this song many years ago, pushed by the will to tell about this contrast and to spread out the lesson regarding the fact that, no matter how much rain can fall outside, but there’s always a reason for smiling… better in front of a pint.
Waiting for the Eden way,
A certain path straight to a place
Where our essences can merge
With our body weight
Understanding the world
We cannot shape
From these northern cliffs I stare
Where the horizon line slashes
This only embrace
Between sea and high
Grey clouds and marble whites
But the old sun here shines
Behind the heart and Irish eyes
Shamrock’s sons sing aloud
Welcome to Ireland
Welcome to Ireland
A certain path straight to a place
Where our essences can merge
With our body weight
Understanding the world
We cannot shape
From these northern cliffs I stare
Where the horizon line slashes
This only embrace
Between sea and high
Grey clouds and marble whites
But the old sun here shines
Behind the heart and Irish eyes
Shamrock’s sons sing aloud
Welcome to Ireland
Welcome to Ireland
A joy inside everyone
While there’s a storm outside
There’s joy inside every child
While there’s no hope for sunlight
Holy days to vanish the fears
Unlocking your spirit’s way
Who I am I just know
What I seek is a place
For the Eden sight
Seems I need more light
This illusion lasts a while
Cause the old sun here shines
Behind the heart and Irish eyes
Shamrock’s sons sing aloud
Welcome to Ireland
Welcome to Ireland
While there’s a storm outside
There’s joy inside every child
While there’s no hope for sunlight
Holy days to vanish the fears
Unlocking your spirit’s way
Who I am I just know
What I seek is a place
For the Eden sight
Seems I need more light
This illusion lasts a while
Cause the old sun here shines
Behind the heart and Irish eyes
Shamrock’s sons sing aloud
Welcome to Ireland
Welcome to Ireland
A joy inside everyone
While there’s a storm outside
There’s a joy inside every child
While there’s no hope for sunlight
You may find your way
Just by listening to tales of their freedom’s might
Holy days, when the soldiers’ sad rhythm
Came loud and high from this rain
Save me
Save me
Show me the way
Just to reach my sun inside of me
Save me
Save me
Show me the way
How a ray of hope turns to a blaze.
While there’s a storm outside
There’s a joy inside every child
While there’s no hope for sunlight
You may find your way
Just by listening to tales of their freedom’s might
Holy days, when the soldiers’ sad rhythm
Came loud and high from this rain
Save me
Save me
Show me the way
Just to reach my sun inside of me
Save me
Save me
Show me the way
How a ray of hope turns to a blaze.
Women’s Way (NuShu)
Year: 2014
Album: CMYK - EP#2 Magenta (2014)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#2 Magenta (2014)
Language: English
When I think of “freedom”, as a concept, I always think about “social” and “historical” meanings and stories. “Freedom”, I say, and suddenly Mel Gibson gets into my mind, blue tattooed while swinging his long sword. But “Freedom” cannot be only a “social” aspect. Today we are “free”, by following this social concept. Are we really sure of that? I see people addicted to the Video-slot machines, or to get some “likes” in their social profiles, and other ones who are slaves of their bank account and of their monthly income.
So, what is the right meaning of freedom?
I’m really far from being an expert of history. It would be better for me to skip this subject instead of entering into it. But one day I bumped into a story. The NuShu language: “Nüshu is a syllabic script created and used exclusively by women in Jiangyong Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. The women were forbidden formal education for many centuries and developed the Nüshu script in order to communicate with one another.”
In the sex-segregated world of traditional China, girls and women did not have the same access to literacy as boys and men. Women built their own language. Socially speaking, they were so far to be defined “free” and those women had surely no chance for an “independence” war, or something else. But I do not understand clearly why this story is able to raise in my mind the concept of freedom, as well as the Braveheart footage memories. Probably because I can figure out how difficult is creating a brand new language, and I feel able to understand how frustrating and terrible it was living as those Chinese women in the Hunan province 1000 years ago.
They created their own language to feel free to communicate without being understood by men, to speak about their secrets, their affairs, to feel free… forgetting for a while their social status.
This is a great lesson that comes from women and from china. And, by my understanding, is one of the most beautiful and romantic example that can really explain what being free means.
So, what is the right meaning of freedom?
I’m really far from being an expert of history. It would be better for me to skip this subject instead of entering into it. But one day I bumped into a story. The NuShu language: “Nüshu is a syllabic script created and used exclusively by women in Jiangyong Prefecture, Hunan Province, China. The women were forbidden formal education for many centuries and developed the Nüshu script in order to communicate with one another.”
In the sex-segregated world of traditional China, girls and women did not have the same access to literacy as boys and men. Women built their own language. Socially speaking, they were so far to be defined “free” and those women had surely no chance for an “independence” war, or something else. But I do not understand clearly why this story is able to raise in my mind the concept of freedom, as well as the Braveheart footage memories. Probably because I can figure out how difficult is creating a brand new language, and I feel able to understand how frustrating and terrible it was living as those Chinese women in the Hunan province 1000 years ago.
They created their own language to feel free to communicate without being understood by men, to speak about their secrets, their affairs, to feel free… forgetting for a while their social status.
This is a great lesson that comes from women and from china. And, by my understanding, is one of the most beautiful and romantic example that can really explain what being free means.
From winter’s cold to summer’s torrid air
They don’t feel the change
Bending over their pride’s obvious need
Alone they creep to live underneath
Their will to feel more then a weep
For a life of hardship
In a Chinese town forgot and lost in time
Women’s freedom wish won’t be
So strong to win against their destiny
Domestic life as servants of man’s bed
It’s nothing respect to that sad
Miseducation forced to keep still
Their sense of freedom that must be allayed
To leave this world as is, as a cage
‘Cause knowledge enhanced could drive to the change
That’s the most sure and mighty way
To let a slave keep bearing the chains
Cruel sentence of no hope for a fate of freedom
They don’t feel the change
Bending over their pride’s obvious need
Alone they creep to live underneath
Their will to feel more then a weep
For a life of hardship
In a Chinese town forgot and lost in time
Women’s freedom wish won’t be
So strong to win against their destiny
Domestic life as servants of man’s bed
It’s nothing respect to that sad
Miseducation forced to keep still
Their sense of freedom that must be allayed
To leave this world as is, as a cage
‘Cause knowledge enhanced could drive to the change
That’s the most sure and mighty way
To let a slave keep bearing the chains
Cruel sentence of no hope for a fate of freedom
What does ”be free” mean if not believing
That no one here will touch
What you love and still keep so secretly?
’Cause life lives in what you hide
What does “to feel” mean if not to keep
On holding tight your sister’s hand
and share and hear those secrets
Hidden by the Nushu way
By the Women’s way of being free
To be free
oh… so secretly
Oh… it’s a so precious gift
Nushu as lesson for posterity
That freedom is funded on maturity
To accept that feeling free
It’s not a social status to claim
But a state of mind so hard to obtain for real
That no one here will touch
What you love and still keep so secretly?
’Cause life lives in what you hide
What does “to feel” mean if not to keep
On holding tight your sister’s hand
and share and hear those secrets
Hidden by the Nushu way
By the Women’s way of being free
To be free
oh… so secretly
Oh… it’s a so precious gift
Nushu as lesson for posterity
That freedom is funded on maturity
To accept that feeling free
It’s not a social status to claim
But a state of mind so hard to obtain for real
What does “be free” mean if not believing
That no one here will touch
What you love and still keep so secretly?
’Cause life lives in what you hide
What does “to feel” mean if not to keep
On holding tight your sister’s hand
and share and hear those secrets
Hidden by the women’s way of being free
That no one here will touch
What you love and still keep so secretly?
’Cause life lives in what you hide
What does “to feel” mean if not to keep
On holding tight your sister’s hand
and share and hear those secrets
Hidden by the women’s way of being free
Video (October 2015)
Your Tomorrow
Year: 2015
Album: CMYK - EP#4 Key Black (2015); CMYK - Single Strokes (2015)
Language: English
Album: CMYK - EP#4 Key Black (2015); CMYK - Single Strokes (2015)
Language: English
This is the latest song I have written, since 2003, when I started composing my lyrics and melodies. It should be my testament. A sort of “ultimate experience package” regarding my songwriting expertise.
For that reason it has some peculiar characteristics. The rhythm swings from a 7/8 to a 4/4, trying to support a melody that a pop listener would not define as a “lame stride”. In fact “lame” was the last adjective used by a friend of mine, not a musician nor an “expert” music listener , when I let him listen to a 7/4 song I really like, “Seven” by DMB. So it was a sort of challenge, regarding composing an easy-to-approach song.
The meaning and the lyrics also have something that I can define as “ultimate”. The song is about a mom who speaks to her baby while he sleeps. She describes to him all the difficulties and the obstacles he will “join” in the future in front of him. But she will tell him how to understand and face these road blocks, and how to brew the elixir of happiness from the pain this world likes to use to slash our life.
In all the songs I have written till know, the main aspect I try to treat regards the happiness and the understanding of our nature and life. So a mom who speaks about this to her son while he sleeps will use a rhythm and a melody not easy for a baby to be understood but full of hope and love.
This is all the stuff behind this song, and I hope it can come out clearly and intimately when listen to.
For that reason it has some peculiar characteristics. The rhythm swings from a 7/8 to a 4/4, trying to support a melody that a pop listener would not define as a “lame stride”. In fact “lame” was the last adjective used by a friend of mine, not a musician nor an “expert” music listener , when I let him listen to a 7/4 song I really like, “Seven” by DMB. So it was a sort of challenge, regarding composing an easy-to-approach song.
The meaning and the lyrics also have something that I can define as “ultimate”. The song is about a mom who speaks to her baby while he sleeps. She describes to him all the difficulties and the obstacles he will “join” in the future in front of him. But she will tell him how to understand and face these road blocks, and how to brew the elixir of happiness from the pain this world likes to use to slash our life.
In all the songs I have written till know, the main aspect I try to treat regards the happiness and the understanding of our nature and life. So a mom who speaks about this to her son while he sleeps will use a rhythm and a melody not easy for a baby to be understood but full of hope and love.
This is all the stuff behind this song, and I hope it can come out clearly and intimately when listen to.
I adore watching you fall
Asleep in my arms
Bold and brave they'll be to hold
The darkness off
And shape this world
To let you grow,
To let your soul unfold
Like a Chestnut Rose
Youth will pass you by
Like a deadly dart
Aiming to a silent night
That you'll fight despite no hope
To understand why we need to rush
If our ashes will merge, one day
With the sand of time
But don't try to stand
For your lies
And don't fly too high
Till the edge of the sky
The raindrops won’t fall in vain
They’ll wash your tears away
They are meant to let you feel
Just how much dark a day could be
And you'll learn that darkness and rain
Will let you taste the real sense
Of the light
Asleep in my arms
Bold and brave they'll be to hold
The darkness off
And shape this world
To let you grow,
To let your soul unfold
Like a Chestnut Rose
Youth will pass you by
Like a deadly dart
Aiming to a silent night
That you'll fight despite no hope
To understand why we need to rush
If our ashes will merge, one day
With the sand of time
But don't try to stand
For your lies
And don't fly too high
Till the edge of the sky
The raindrops won’t fall in vain
They’ll wash your tears away
They are meant to let you feel
Just how much dark a day could be
And you'll learn that darkness and rain
Will let you taste the real sense
Of the light
Love will fill your heart
As the flames flare in a hearth
Though you‘ll have to know
That of a sudden blaze nothing
Will last to warm
And make your soul unveil
Like the embers’ way to lie
But don't wait to stand
For your cries
And don't fly too high
To rule your pride
The tears won’t fall in vain
They’ll wash your fears away
They are meant to let you heal
As much pain as you believe
That the real love won’t halve your soul
But your will to hiss and lie
To the sense of life
As the flames flare in a hearth
Though you‘ll have to know
That of a sudden blaze nothing
Will last to warm
And make your soul unveil
Like the embers’ way to lie
But don't wait to stand
For your cries
And don't fly too high
To rule your pride
The tears won’t fall in vain
They’ll wash your fears away
They are meant to let you heal
As much pain as you believe
That the real love won’t halve your soul
But your will to hiss and lie
To the sense of life
The tears won’t fall in vain
They’ll wash your fears away
They are meant to let you heal
As much pain as you believe
That the real love won’t halve your soul
But It will enrich your fate
With all the strength you’d need
To face the hatred you’ll see
To build up your days and dreams…
Oh your dreams…
They’re not the mouth
but the spring
of tomorrow’s river you will sail
and my love will be…
Your wind
They’ll wash your fears away
They are meant to let you heal
As much pain as you believe
That the real love won’t halve your soul
But It will enrich your fate
With all the strength you’d need
To face the hatred you’ll see
To build up your days and dreams…
Oh your dreams…
They’re not the mouth
but the spring
of tomorrow’s river you will sail
and my love will be…
Your wind

Italian Songs
Tre e Non Più Tre
Year: 2017
Album: Oltre le Quinte
Language: Italian
Album: Oltre le Quinte
Language: Italian
Oscar Wilde descrive l’assenzio in un modo bellissimo: “Dopo il primo bicchiere, si vedono le cose come si vorrebbe che fossero. Dopo il secondo, si vedono le cose come non sono. In fine, si vedono le cose come realmente sono, e questa è la cosa più orribile del mondo.”
In sintesi, oltre allo spiegare perché l’assenzio fosse una tale fonte di ispirazione per i poeti maledetti, evidenzia come il rimuovere quegli schemi in cui siamo cresciuti ci fa vedere realmente la realtà in cui viviamo. E la crudeltà e ferocia con cui questa realtà si porrebbe agli occhi è devastante.
Richiamando il concetto del “1000 e non più 1000”, tre bicchieri di assenzio per l’umanità ne rappresenterebbero la triste fine, vedendo in un sospiro ciò che realmente ospita i nostri sogni.
In sintesi, oltre allo spiegare perché l’assenzio fosse una tale fonte di ispirazione per i poeti maledetti, evidenzia come il rimuovere quegli schemi in cui siamo cresciuti ci fa vedere realmente la realtà in cui viviamo. E la crudeltà e ferocia con cui questa realtà si porrebbe agli occhi è devastante.
Richiamando il concetto del “1000 e non più 1000”, tre bicchieri di assenzio per l’umanità ne rappresenterebbero la triste fine, vedendo in un sospiro ciò che realmente ospita i nostri sogni.
Non riesco adesso a scrivere
Di quel che sento intorno a me
La sobrietà è una sfiga
D'assenzio vado... è il primo shot
E vedo il mondo che vorrei
Ritratto a modo mio
Così mi illudo un po' con la fantasia
Così mi sciolgo un po' in quest'eresia
Che per scorgere quanto è fragile
Quel senso d'esser certo della realtà
Non c'è che liberarsi un po'
Da una logica a catena
Che non vede oltre ciò che sa
Così... Potrei...
Vorrei senza freni dirti una poesia
Così... potrei
Bendarti della mia follia
Nel descriverti
Cosa vedo da qui
Di quel che sento intorno a me
La sobrietà è una sfiga
D'assenzio vado... è il primo shot
E vedo il mondo che vorrei
Ritratto a modo mio
Così mi illudo un po' con la fantasia
Così mi sciolgo un po' in quest'eresia
Che per scorgere quanto è fragile
Quel senso d'esser certo della realtà
Non c'è che liberarsi un po'
Da una logica a catena
Che non vede oltre ciò che sa
Così... Potrei...
Vorrei senza freni dirti una poesia
Così... potrei
Bendarti della mia follia
Nel descriverti
Cosa vedo da qui
Non sfuggo alla felicità
Nel gustarmi un mondo celibe da ansia e crudeltà
Secondo giro e vedo cose che
A stento credo e penso che è forse casa mia
Così mi perdo un po' in questa pazzia
Così mi vivo in fondo quest'eresia
Che per scorgere quanto è fragile
Quel senso d'esser certo della realtà
Non c'è che liberarsi un po'
Da una logica a catena
Che non vede oltre ciò che sa
Così... Vorrei...
Potrei senza freni dirti una poesia
Così... Spererei e
Potrei perdermi con te lontano da qui
Vivrei nel dare il senso
All'arte che vorrei
Magia che sa e saprá qui redimermi
Nel gustarmi un mondo celibe da ansia e crudeltà
Secondo giro e vedo cose che
A stento credo e penso che è forse casa mia
Così mi perdo un po' in questa pazzia
Così mi vivo in fondo quest'eresia
Che per scorgere quanto è fragile
Quel senso d'esser certo della realtà
Non c'è che liberarsi un po'
Da una logica a catena
Che non vede oltre ciò che sa
Così... Vorrei...
Potrei senza freni dirti una poesia
Così... Spererei e
Potrei perdermi con te lontano da qui
Vivrei nel dare il senso
All'arte che vorrei
Magia che sa e saprá qui redimermi
È iniziata con un ballo
E continua con l'assurdo
Due bicchieri e tutto qui prende vita senza senso
Beh... seguo Il passo e bevo il terzo
E vedo il mondo col suo volto
Ed ha ragione Wilde... quanto è orribile
Eh si... Potrei...
Dovrei rinunciare e dirti ciò che vuoi
Ma si... potrei
Così risparmiarti un mondo che già sai
È solo un altro sogno da buttare via
E continua con l'assurdo
Due bicchieri e tutto qui prende vita senza senso
Beh... seguo Il passo e bevo il terzo
E vedo il mondo col suo volto
Ed ha ragione Wilde... quanto è orribile
Eh si... Potrei...
Dovrei rinunciare e dirti ciò che vuoi
Ma si... potrei
Così risparmiarti un mondo che già sai
È solo un altro sogno da buttare via
Tu Non Sai
Year: 2017
Album: Oltre le Quinte
Language: Italian
Album: Oltre le Quinte
Language: Italian
Sono stato Balbuziente per 15 anni della mia vita. In un mondo dove la comunicazione è la via della serenità, e dove il come conta più del cosa, questa malattia le considero una delle peggiori possibile, considerando che viene usata come carta sicura per una risata che uno sceneggiatore comico si vuole assicurare. Io sono guarito da solo, senza aiuto capendo una cosa: un problema psicologico viene distrutto se con sincerità sei pronto a prenderti in giro per primo, deridendoti di cuore e accogliendo chi non sa. Questa è stata la mia cura, ed ha funzionato. E non ho un solo motivo per non diffonderla.
Mmm, m’inceppo mentre parlo
E balbetto come se
Scendessi in fretta scale troppo
Ripide quasi più di te
Che ti guardi attorno per non ridere
E tu da sempre la mia dea
Vorrei tu fossi mia
Se solo io trovassi un modo
Per donarti giusto una poesia
Senza specchiarmi nella mia agonia
Non conto le volte spese a illudermi
Ma nulla muta tra le risa
È una vita ormai scolpita a botte di pietà
Scherni e ipocrisia
Ma tu non sai e forse mai avrai
La stregua e il cuore per comprendermi
Ma tu non sai e forse mai andrai
Oltre l'istinto d'irridermi
E balbetto come se
Scendessi in fretta scale troppo
Ripide quasi più di te
Che ti guardi attorno per non ridere
E tu da sempre la mia dea
Vorrei tu fossi mia
Se solo io trovassi un modo
Per donarti giusto una poesia
Senza specchiarmi nella mia agonia
Non conto le volte spese a illudermi
Ma nulla muta tra le risa
È una vita ormai scolpita a botte di pietà
Scherni e ipocrisia
Ma tu non sai e forse mai avrai
La stregua e il cuore per comprendermi
Ma tu non sai e forse mai andrai
Oltre l'istinto d'irridermi
E penso "e poi?" No, un istinto non si cambia
Nè balbetta come me
Sai che c'é... quasi quasi inizio a prendermi
Un po' per il culo anch'io ...
...e se la cura fosse proprio l'ironia?
Non conto le volte spese a piangermi
Tra le mie sfighe e quelle risa
È una vita che sento una rabbia che mai vedrà
Oltre l'apatia
E tu non sai e forse mai avrai
La stregua e il cuore per comprendermi
E tu non sai e forse mai andrai
Oltre l'istinto di sorridere
Di fronte a me, che...
Se solo aprissi le mie braccia da qui
Come se accettassi il destino così
Sarò forte più di un dio mentre mi deriderò
Di cuore insieme te
Nè balbetta come me
Sai che c'é... quasi quasi inizio a prendermi
Un po' per il culo anch'io ...
...e se la cura fosse proprio l'ironia?
Non conto le volte spese a piangermi
Tra le mie sfighe e quelle risa
È una vita che sento una rabbia che mai vedrà
Oltre l'apatia
E tu non sai e forse mai avrai
La stregua e il cuore per comprendermi
E tu non sai e forse mai andrai
Oltre l'istinto di sorridere
Di fronte a me, che...
Se solo aprissi le mie braccia da qui
Come se accettassi il destino così
Sarò forte più di un dio mentre mi deriderò
Di cuore insieme te
Non conto le volte spese a piangermi
Tra le mie sfighe e quelle risa
È una vita che sento una rabbia che mai vedrá
Oltre l'apatia
E tu non sai e forse mai avrai
La stregua e il cuore per comprendermi
E tu non sai e forse mai andrai
Oltre l'istinto di sorridere
Di fronte a me, che...
Se solo aprissi le mie braccia da qui
Come se accettassi il destino così
Sarò forte più di un dio mentre mi deriderò
Il giorno che riderò
Di cuore insieme te
Tra le mie sfighe e quelle risa
È una vita che sento una rabbia che mai vedrá
Oltre l'apatia
E tu non sai e forse mai avrai
La stregua e il cuore per comprendermi
E tu non sai e forse mai andrai
Oltre l'istinto di sorridere
Di fronte a me, che...
Se solo aprissi le mie braccia da qui
Come se accettassi il destino così
Sarò forte più di un dio mentre mi deriderò
Il giorno che riderò
Di cuore insieme te